Changes in the relationship of egg consumption and other principle food groups between 1961 and 2009; globally


  • Camilo Alberto Calle Velázquez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Mónica María Estrada Pareja Universidad de Antioquia
  • Luis Fernando Restrepo Betancur Universidad de Antioquia



Consumption per capita egg, food sources, animal protein, vegetable protein, consumption patterns, consumer preferences


Introduction: the chicken egg is a food of high nutritional value and it is important to understand the relationship between egg consumption other common foods of animal and vegetable origin. Objective: determine the relationship between common foods and egg consumption globally during the years 1961 to 2009. Materials and Methods: Using FAO databases, per capita consumption of major food groups was extracted and the principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to detect the total percentage of variability and the level of association between groups with predominant animal source intake and those with predominant vegetable and egg source intakes. Results: In the 1960’s the egg contributed 14.5 % of intake in its food group, while in the decade 2000, the egg’s contribution to its food groups was just 4.8 %. Conclusion: Egg consumption trends worldwide have changed over time; in the 1960s and 1970s the egg is ranked as the fifth most consumed food in the world, while in the 2000s it ranked eighth.

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Author Biographies

Camilo Alberto Calle Velázquez, Universidad de Antioquia

Zootechnician. Master's degree candidate. Master of Animal Sciences

Mónica María Estrada Pareja, Universidad de Antioquia

Zootechnician with a master's degree in animal sciences. Professor of the poultry production area of ​​the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Universidad de Antioquia

Luis Fernando Restrepo Betancur, Universidad de Antioquia

Statistical. Specialist in Statistics and Biomathematics.


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How to Cite

Calle Velázquez, C. A., Estrada Pareja, M. M., & Restrepo Betancur, L. F. (2017). Changes in the relationship of egg consumption and other principle food groups between 1961 and 2009; globally. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 18(1), 37–48.


