Use the Cases of Simple Calculators and Video Games in a Teacher Training Course




pre-service teacher training, mathematics education, systematization of practices


The research reports on the gap between the training needs of mathematics teachers and the content of programs to train future teachers. For this reason, a course on the use of technology to teach mathematics is proposed. In this article, systematization is used to account for a view of their own knowledge about practices and the way in which they support the production of knowledge in classroom practices. This knowledge seeks to contribute to the design of a course that aims to train in the use of technology to teach mathematics. The conclusions inform that the methodological design of this course allowed to recognize and to visualize needs of formation and to establish differences between the uses that the pre-service teacher realize to solve mathematical problems and uses with projection to the professional exercise. 

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Author Biographies

Jaime Andrés Carmona-Mesa, Universidad de Antioquia

Master in Education. Professor Faculty of Education, University of Antioquia. Member of the research group MATHEMA-FIEM.

Jesús Victoria Flores Salazar, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Doctor and Post-PhD in Mathematical Education. Associate professor.  Department of Science/Mathematics Section, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Coordinator of the TecVEM research line of the master’s degree in Mathematics Teaching and Training, IREM-PUCP.  Bibliographic citations: SALAZAR, J.V.F.

Jhony Alexander Villa-Ochoa, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctor of Education. Professor of the Faculty of Education, University of Antioquia. Coordinator of the MATHEMA-FIEM research group and the Colombian Educational-Mathematical Modeling Network. 


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How to Cite

Carmona-Mesa, J. A., Salazar, J. V. F., & Villa-Ochoa, J. A. (2018). Use the Cases of Simple Calculators and Video Games in a Teacher Training Course. Uni-Pluriversidad, 18(1), 13–24.




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