
  • John Jairo Gómez Montoya Universidad de Antioquia



Heraclitus, metaphor of time and river, poetics of water, Borges


The aim of this paper is to examine some aspects of Borges' work and show the predominance of time in it. One of these signs is the privileged position of Heraclitus' metaphor of time and river. Thus, the main focus of this research is the translation and the analysis of the fragment where Heraclitus voices that one metaphor. By means of this analysis, I try to demonstrate that the metaphor of time and river is the result of a progression within the Greek language, I also try to build a bridge from ancient Greek to Borges' work and to justify its relationship with the poetics of water. I deal as well with the unity along Borges' work, emphasizing in the inherent bonds between his subjects, his stylistics and technical characteristics and his main subject: Time.

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Author Biography

John Jairo Gómez Montoya, Universidad de Antioquia

Master in Linguistics from the University of Antioquia, where
He is also a professor in the Translation program. Translation specialist in
literary and human sciences from the University of Antioquia. Degree in philosophy
from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He is a member of the Research Group in
Translation Studies.


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How to Cite

Gómez Montoya, J. J. (2011). BORGES IN FRONT OF HERACLITUS RIVER. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 4(1), 3–24.



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