Characterization of Diverse Fish Species as Sources of PUFAs and Omega-3 According to Their Fatty Acid Profile
Fishes, fatty acids, unsaturated, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexahenoic acid.Abstract
Background: In recent years, studies focused on fish consumption as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), specifically long chain (DHA and EPA), have become garnered strength due to increasing evidence of various health protection and prevention effects. Salmon has been the most recommended. Objective: To identify the content of PUFAs and omega-3 in various species of fish through collection, revision, and selection of national and international studies on the fatty acid profile of fish and their subsequent classification according to Resolution 333 of Colombia and consumption recommendations of Codex Alimentarius and FAO-FINUT. Results: Tilapia, cachama, carpe, sardines, bass, and red tuna were classified as excellent sources of PUFAs. For LC-PUFAs, most were excellent sources, especially red tuna, cachama, salmon, anchovy, sardines, and yellow fin tuna. The majority covered 100% of daily consumption recommendations for these nutrients. Conclusion: The species found as a source of PUFAs and omega 3 in this review are new consumption alternatives, contributing to the coverage of community needs.
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