Dossier Presentation


  • Martha Lucía Pulido Correa Profesora



This first number is dedicated to diffusion of researches on translation at the level of specialization, as well as the presentation of specialization programs in Colombia.

The dossier is constituted by theorical reflection and analysis about the translation work performed during the specialization program on Literary and Human Science's Translation in the School of Language at the University of Antioquia. The first graduation ceremony was on March 6, 2006.

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Author Biography

Martha Lucía Pulido Correa, Profesora

Dr. Humanistic and Literary Sciences, Université de Paris, France

Master in Comparative Literature, Université de Paris XII

Specialization in Semiotics in English, Université Paris XII
Literature and Translation Associate Professor and Researcher
Director Research Group on Translation Studies

Coordinator Master Programme Major Didactics of Translation
University of Antioquia - School of Languages
Calle 67 # 53-108 Of. 11-107 Tel: (+574) 2195785 Fax: (+574) 2195781
Ciudad Universitaria - Medellin - COLOMBIA



How to Cite

Pulido Correa, M. L. (2008). Dossier Presentation. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana De Traducción, 1(1), 2–9.

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