Validation of a regulated game “Chefcitos” to promote healthy lifestyles and consumption of fruits and vegetables in children over seven years. Colombia, 2014
health education, food and nutrition education, health promotion, teaching materials, food habits, models educational.Abstract
Background: The low consumption of fruits and vegetables is a risk factor for chronic non communicable diseases, to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables in children several strategies and aids have been developed. One of this aid are the table games. These should be validated to ensure its effectiveness. Objective: To validate the “Chefcitos” game (game´s name, as a little chef) designed to promote healthy lifestyles and the consumption of fruits and vegetables in children over seven years of age. Materials and methods: A qualitative study, with twelve children aged between seven and twelve years from José Miguel de Restrepo y Puerta School, Copacabana, Colombia. The game was designed and validated; Information was collected by focus groups and participant observation, and pre and posttest. The categories of analysis were: attractiveness, understanding, identification, acceptance and persuasion or inducement to action. Results and discussion: The game “Chefcitos” is a valid educational aid to promote consumption of fruits and vegetables, and healthy lifestyles. Conclusion: The validation process is necessary before using educational aids in order to assess its potential to encourage voluntary adoption of healthy behaviors.
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