Maternal nutritional status and its relationship with birth weight of the newborn, pregnant women study Public Network of Medellín, Colombia


  • Statistics National Institute Restrepo Mesa Universidad de Antioquia
  • Beatriz Elena Parra Sosa Universidad de Antioquia
  • Julie Arias Gómez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Natalia Zapata López Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carlos Alberto Giraldo Díaz Empresa Social del Estado Metrosalud, Medellín
  • Clara María Restrepo Moreno Universidad de Antioquia
  • Natalia Andrea Ceballos Alarca Mayor's Office of Medellín, Buen Comienzo Program
  • Luz Estela Escudero Vásquez Universidad de Antioquia



pregnancy, body mass index, anthropometry, hemoglobin, birth weight


Objective: to explore the relationship between hemoglobin and maternal body mass index with birth weight. Methods: retrospective study. 336 clinical records from pregnant women were selected. Results: the main proportion of newbornswith weights < 3000 g were of pregnant women with low BMI, with significant differences in second (p = 0,0468)and third trimester (p = 0,0126). Birth weight was correlated with maternal BMI at first (r = 0, 19; p = 0,025), andsecond trimester (r = 0,240; p = 0, 0000). Birth weight was not correlated with maternal hemoglobin at first (r = 0,009;p = 0,900), second (r = 0,011; p = 0,889), nor third trimester (r = 0,005; p = 0,943). There were not differences in birthweight between newborn from mother with Hb<11 g/dL and Hb>11 g/dL. Conclusions: maternal BMI was associatedwith birth weight; maternal Hb concentration was not associated with the newborn weight.

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Author Biographies

Statistics National Institute Restrepo Mesa, Universidad de Antioquia

School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Human Nutrition Research Group. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Beatriz Elena Parra Sosa, Universidad de Antioquia

School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Human Nutrition Research Group. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Julie Arias Gómez, Universidad de Antioquia

School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Human Nutrition Research Group. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Natalia Zapata López, Universidad de Antioquia

School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Human Nutrition Research Group. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Carlos Alberto Giraldo Díaz, Empresa Social del Estado Metrosalud, Medellín

Empresa Social del Estado Metrosalud, Medellín.

Clara María Restrepo Moreno, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Natalia Andrea Ceballos Alarca, Mayor's Office of Medellín, Buen Comienzo Program

School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Human Nutrition Research Group. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Luz Estela Escudero Vásquez, Universidad de Antioquia

Nutrition and Diet School, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Mesa, S. N. I., Parra Sosa, B. E., Arias Gómez, J., Zapata López, N., Giraldo Díaz, C. A., Restrepo Moreno, C. M., Ceballos Alarca, N. A., & Escudero Vásquez, L. E. (2013). Maternal nutritional status and its relationship with birth weight of the newborn, pregnant women study Public Network of Medellín, Colombia. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 14(2), 199–208.




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