Constructs and conceptions facing education for health students, teachers and graduates of higher education programs in the area of health


  • Diana Carolina Ocampo Rivera Universidad de Antioquia
  • Fernando Peñaranda Correa Universidad de Antioquia
  • Teresita Alzate Yepes Universidad de Antioquia
  • Margarita María Gómez Gómez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Marcela Carrillo Pineda Universidad de Antioquia
  • Águeda Lucía Valencia Deossa Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



Health education, education, health, vocational training


Background: Health Education is a field of knowledge relevant to the health disciplines but its development has not been coherent. Objective: To understand student, faculty, and /or alumni conceptions of health education in five higher education programs in the health field. Materials and methods: Various qualitative methods were undertaken within five academic units in two of Medellin’s universities, including observations, interviews and focus groups developed by students, faculty and/or alumni. Results: Health Education is not well defined; the diverse conceptions are related to the significant attributes of both the health and education fields. As such, there are views of health education that critique traditional education, and other views that critique health and adopt more traditional rhetoric and practices mainstream to education. This creates a wide spectrum that makes up the multifaceted vision and understanding of Health Education. Conclusion: Current conceptions of Health Education are a product of diverse theoretical and pedagogic positions with respect to education and health, which highlights differences between the disciplines and among the various conceptions of both the trainers and the trainees.

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Author Biographies

Diana Carolina Ocampo Rivera, Universidad de Antioquia

Master in Collective Health. Nurse. Professor Faculty of Nursing 

Fernando Peñaranda Correa, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctorate in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth. Doctor

Teresita Alzate Yepes, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctorate in Pedagogical Actions and Development. Dietitian Nutritionist. Teacher School of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Margarita María Gómez Gómez, Universidad de Antioquia

MSc Magister in Collective Health. Degree in Education, Philosophy and History. Social Communicator - Journalist. Teacher Faculty of Medicine

Marcela Carrillo Pineda, Universidad de Antioquia

PhD in Nursing Education. PhD in education. Master in Collective Health. Nurse

Águeda Lucía Valencia Deossa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

MSc in Collective Health. Nurse


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How to Cite

Ocampo Rivera, D. C., Peñaranda Correa, F., Alzate Yepes, T., Gómez Gómez, M. M., Carrillo Pineda, M., & Valencia Deossa, Águeda L. (2017). Constructs and conceptions facing education for health students, teachers and graduates of higher education programs in the area of health. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 18(1), 49–60.




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