Availability of Beef and Pork in South American Countries, in the Last Six Decades





Food security, red meat, pork meat, meat supply, South America


Background: The production and availability of beef and pork meat in the countries of South America is of vital interest in the field of human nutrition because availability is a primary factor in the choice and consumption of this food among the population. Objective: To carry out a comparative analysis related to the supply of beef and pork in South American countries in the last six decades, from 1961 through 2019. Materials and Methods: For the analysis of the information, the general linear model was used using the multivariate variance technique (MANOVA) with canonical contrast of orthogonal type, cluster analysis and exploratory descriptive statistics of a one-dimensional type. Results: Argentina presented a highly significant difference in the availability of beef for its population, compared to other countries in South America (p <0.0001). Paraguay is the country with the highest availability of pork. The country with the least sources of beef and pork is Peru. Conclusions: There is a great divergence among countries of South America in the amount of available meat supply from beef and pork.

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Author Biographies

Luz Marina Arboleda Montoya, Universidad de Antioquia

Ph. D. in Social Sciences, master and specialist. Professor of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Socioanthropology Research Group, Universidad de Antioquia.

Luis Fernando Restrepo Betancur, Universidad de Antioquia

Specialist in Statistics and Biomathematics, statistician. Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad de Antioquia. Statistical Research Group, Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Arboleda Montoya, L. M., & Restrepo Betancur, L. F. (2019). Availability of Beef and Pork in South American Countries, in the Last Six Decades. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 21(2), 207–216. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.penh.v21n2a06




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