Coherence and Cohesion in EFL Students’ Writing Production: The Impact of a Metacognition-based Intervention


  • Mark Briesmaster Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Paulo Etchegaray Universidad Católica de Temuco



EFL, metacognition, L2 writing, coherence, cohesion


The objective of this Action Research study was to identify the impact of metacognitive training on the development of coherence and cohesion in the writing production, at the paragraph level, of EFL learners. The participants included 19 students from an 8th grade Chilean public school who took part in a 9-week class intervention. These classes focused on the students learning to write paragraphs in English by using metacognitive techniques such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own production while paying particular attention to coherence and cohesion. As instruments for data collection, L2 writing pre and post-tests were utilized. Additionally, two qualitative research techniques were employed to identify the metacognitive writing procedures used by the students before and after the metacognitive intervention. The results suggest that the EFL students used more metacognitive procedures when writing at the end of the intervention. Moreover, a slight improvement was observed in the area of cohesion.

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Author Biographies

Mark Briesmaster, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Professor of Pedagogy in English at the Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile. Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.

Paulo Etchegaray, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Researcher in a Pedagogy degree in English at the Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile. Professor of English at Fundación del Magisterio de la Araucanía, Temuco, Chile.


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How to Cite

Briesmaster, M., & Etchegaray, P. (2017). Coherence and Cohesion in EFL Students’ Writing Production: The Impact of a Metacognition-based Intervention. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 22(2), 183–202.



Empirical Studies