Language teachers' professional development
13 Items
These articles describe not only the theories related to this topic but also different PD programs for language teachers that have worked in different contexts.
All Items
The Role of Emotions in the Construction of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Identity
|Abstract = 199 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 103 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 7 veces| -
|Abstract = 211 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 130 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 15 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 12 veces| | EPUB (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 9 veces| -
Exploring Iranian EFL teachers’ attitudes toward the use of learning management systems in English classes
|Abstract = 669 veces | HTML = 3 veces| | PDF = 500 veces| -
Foreign Language Instructors’ Professional Development in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Solutions
|Abstract = 916 veces | HTML = 5 veces| | PDF = 433 veces| -
Teaching Foreign Languages at the U-Diversity: Exploring Pathways Towards Decoloniality and Critical Interculturality
|Abstract = 1003 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 669 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 29 veces| | VISOR (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 61 veces| -
Engaging in Decolonial ‘Pedagogizations’ at a Colombian Doctoral Teacher Education Program in English Language Teaching
|Abstract = 756 veces | PDF = 379 veces| | HTML = 18 veces| | VISOR = 3 veces| -
Decoloniality in ELT: A Political Project
|Abstract = 1252 veces | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 0 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 172 veces| | PDF = 702 veces| | HTML = 27 veces| | VISOR = 47 veces| -
Entretejidxs: Decolonial Threads to the Self, the Communities, and EFL Teacher Education Programs in Colombia
|Abstract = 2199 veces | PDF = 1177 veces| | HTML = 23 veces| | VISOR = 29 veces| -
|Abstract = 188 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 103 veces| | PDF = 55 veces| -
Creation of Virtual Learning Objects for the Development of Technological Skills and the Learning of English as a Foreign Language
|Abstract = 1909 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 1007 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Presentation: From Pedagogical Knowledge to Scientific Thought and Academic Production: A Project with Elementary and Middle School Teachers in Colombia
|Abstract = 414 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 258 veces| | PDF = 0 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Content and Language Integrated Learning: In-Service Teachers’ Knowledge and Perceptions Before and After a Professional Development Program
|Abstract = 2362 veces | PDF = 967 veces| | HTML = 131 veces| -
Governmental professional development initiatives for the implementation of language policies and curriculum guidelines: Secondary school teachers’ experiences, challenges and views
|Abstract = 779 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 504 veces|