The Role of Emotions in the Construction of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Identity
self-regulation of emotions, emotional turn in education, teacher identity, English teachers in training, teaching practiceAbstract
The study of the emotions experienced by foreign-language pre-service teachers and their influence on the formation of pre-service teachers' identity has gained currency in the last ten years. The present study analyzes the role of practitioners’ emotions and their impact on the construction of their identity as English teachers. For this purpose, a qualitative study was conducted, with a descriptive approach, based on narratives co-constructed by 20 trainees in a Bachelor’s degree program in Foreign Languages, with emphasis on English, at a university in Bogotá, Colombia. Findings from the thematic analysis of the narratives suggest that the teaching practice is viewed by pre-service teachers as a therapeutic space to heal emotions from past experiences, that emotions activate the critical reflection of practitioners to make decisions and bring about changes in themselves and the situations experienced in practice; and that training in emotional intelligence is required in undergraduate programs to find strategies that allow the self-regulation of emotions.
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