Artificial Intelligence Applications in College Academic Writing and Composition: A Systematic Review
higher education, educational technology, editing, academic writing, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Proofreading and editing are essential to enhance the quality of texts. While literature is abundant on technological tools for identifying semantic and lexical-grammatical errors, evidence on the actual effectiveness of artificial intelligence (ai) in this process remains limited, with studies varying in scope and rigor. This study examines whether existing evidence supports or contradicts the hypothesis that a ai-based applications help edit and proofread texts in higher education. A review was conducted in Scopus and Web of Science databases, covering scientific articles in English and Spanish, published between 2019 and 2024, related to university writing and the use of ai in text correction. Most studies were exploratory and descriptive. A notable increase in publications related to ai and academic writing was observed between 2022 and 2024, with the United States, China, Australia, and Canada leading in this area. Findings suggest that ai improves linguistic quality and feedback in the writing process. It also highlights issues related to academic integrity, data privacy, and ai’s inability to manage complex writing errors. More explicit connections between ai and university instruction are necessary to complement traditional pedagogical strategies. The need for more research in this area is urgent, as issues related to equitable access and responsible integration are essential to the use ai to support academic writing development.
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