Writing centers
4 Items
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A Review of Research on Academic Writing for the Creation of an Online Writing Center in Higher Education
|Abstract = 1156 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 612 veces| -
Heritage Spanish Speakers’ Writing Development: Online vs. In-Person Peer-Tutoring Interventions
|Abstract = 627 veces | HTML = 16 veces| | VISOR = 3 veces| | PDF = 376 veces| -
Policies and Practices for Global Multilingualism
|Abstract = 179 veces | PDF = 77 veces| | EPUB = 3 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 33 veces| | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 6 veces| -
Study Abroad Programming in Writing Centers in Colombia and the USA: Lessons in Translanguaging, Decolonial Theory, and Programming
|Abstract = 167 veces | PDF = 80 veces| | EPUB = 1 veces|