Factors Affecting Primary Students' Reading Comprehension and their Connection to ICTs
basic education, ICTs, educational technologies, reading comprehension, reading strategiesAbstract
This article shows the findings of mixed method research project with a concurrent design, which explored the factors affecting the reading comprehension of primary school students from 10 educational institutions in Colombia. The ultimate objective of this research was to be able to implement actions to improve students' reading comprehension skills using the resources available. To achieve this objective, the results of the Saber 9 National tests for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017 were examined. An ICT maturity level survey was also conducted in 10 schools from the sample and key qualitative criteria were identified and quantified. At the same time, the Metaplan® technique was applied with 67 teachers in a school from the sample, to collect opinions on the domains and main causes that affect reading comprehension, and be able to cross these with the theory. The results of this analysis show that two factors are necessary to improve performance in reading comprehension: a) the explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies, and b) the integration of ICT for learning. It is recommended that these two factors be prioritized in teacher training plans and be materialized in schools, as well as in teachers undergraduate degree programs in universities.
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