
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The submission has not been previously published partially or completely, nor has it been submitted for consideration to another journal (otherwise an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • 2. The submission file is in an editable format, such as OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF.
  • 3. The manuscript is within the focus and scope of Íkala (see
  • 4. The manuscript falls within one of the categories accepted by the journal (Empirical Studies, Methodological Articles, Theoretical Articles, Case Studies, Literature Reviews, Book Reviews).
  • 5. The length of the manuscript is as stipulated in the Author Guidelines and corresponds to the type of manuscript being submitted.
  • 6. The abstract has the length and structure indicated (see Style Guidelines and Writing the Title, Abstracts and Keywords).
  • 7. Abstracts, keywords and references have been registered in the metadata of the platform as well as in the manuscript itself.
  • 8. Proper names of persons or institutions that may reveal the identity of the authors have been deleted or replaced by a pseudonym (in the case of the institution), or by the word "author" (in the case of citations and references).
  • 9. If there are research participants or data were collected from people, institutional endorsement, or informed consent duly signed by the participants, have been uploaded separately. In addition, a note has been included in the Method section explicitly stating how ethical standards of research were followed and how informed consent from the research participants was obtained. Without these documents and note the manuscript will not be reviewed.
  • 10. The informed consents comply with guidelines for presenting this form agreed on by the scientific community (see, for example, APA Ethics Code; APA, 2017ª, Standard 8: Research and Publication - or the Manual of Procedures of the Ethics Committee in Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts –CEI-CSHA-
  • 11. The author has permission to reproduce any tables or figures that might be included from another source in the manuscript. This permission is in written form and is produced by the copyright holder. The author has acknowledged the source.
  • 12. All figures and tables are inserted in word format, not as images.
  • 13. The manuscript contains all the required sections and these are structured correctly (see Guidelines for Writing the introduction, theoretical framework, method, discussion and conclusions sections).
  • 14. In the case of including self-citations, these do not exceed 10% of all the material cited throughout the manuscript. The self-citations are cited correctly, since not doing so is also considered plagiarism.
  • 15. The language used in the manuscript is inclusive, recognizes diversity, conveys respect for all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities.
  • 16. If I have used generative AI or AI-based tools, I explicitly state in my manuscript and in a note to the Editor, and in my Method section I state that, declaring how it was used, in which sections, and the degree of my intervention.

Author Guidelines

Steps to Submit a Manuscript

To submit your manuscript, please follow these steps:

  1. Register as an author here. Complete the requested metadata in all languages and as completely as possible, including a postal address and an institutional email address, if you have one.
  2. Read the Author Guidelines section to make sure that your manuscript meets all the necessary requirements.
  3. Make sure the manuscript complies with all ethical standards for publications, as described in the Ethical Guidelines for Authors section.
  4. Confirm that the text conforms to the style guidelines described in the Style Guidelines section.
  5. Upload your manuscript and complementary documents —including informed consents or IRB certificates, using the submissions link.
  6. Complete the upload. When you do, you will receive a confirmation message.