22 Items
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Analyzing the Concept and Field of Inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca from a Decolonial Perspective
|Abstract = 665 veces | PDF = 446 veces| | HTML = 10 veces| | VISOR = 0 veces| -
ChatGPT as a Tool to Improve Written Expression in English as a Foreign Language
|Abstract = 1163 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 748 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 27 veces| -
Contradictions in Learning to Teach Digital Literacy Practices in an EFL Public Setting: An Activity Theory Analysis
|Abstract = 643 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 358 veces| -
Creation of Virtual Learning Objects for the Development of Technological Skills and the Learning of English as a Foreign Language
|Abstract = 1876 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 990 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Critical Race and Decolonial Theory Intersections to Understand the Context of ELT in the Global South
|Abstract = 1323 veces | PDF = 798 veces| | HTML = 486 veces| | VISOR = 8 veces| -
Decoloniality in ELT: A Political Project
|Abstract = 1210 veces | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 0 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 166 veces| | PDF = 696 veces| | HTML = 27 veces| | VISOR = 47 veces| -
Developing Cosmopolitanism Through Intercultural Mediation Activities: An After-School Digital Storytelling Project in Catalonia
|Abstract = 286 veces | PDF = 161 veces| | HTML = 1 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 22 veces| -
Disrupting Colonial Tensions in Initial Language Teacher Education: Criteria Based on Critical Interculturality
|Abstract = 847 veces | PDF = 499 veces| | HTML = 20 veces| | VISOR = 35 veces| -
Disrupting Rural Local Realities through Inquiry-Based Learning in the EFL Classroom
|Abstract = 174 veces | PDF = 62 veces| | EPUB = 3 veces| -
English Instructors Navigating Decoloniality with Afro Colombian and Indigenous University Students
|Abstract = 1212 veces | HTML = 53 veces| | VISOR = 31 veces| | PDF = 796 veces| -
Entretejidxs: Decolonial Threads to the Self, the Communities, and EFL Teacher Education Programs in Colombia
|Abstract = 2169 veces | PDF = 1160 veces| | HTML = 22 veces| | VISOR = 29 veces| -
Indelible Coloniality and Emergent Decoloniality in Colombian-Authored EFL Textbooks: A Critical Content Analysis
|Abstract = 1912 veces | PDF = 1102 veces| | HTML = 79 veces| | VISOR = 10 veces| -
Interlinear Translations Reduce Cognitive Load on EFL Vocabulary Acquisition
|Abstract = 84 veces | PDF = 60 veces| | EPUB = 0 veces| -
Learning for or Learning with: Avaliar se Avaliando for an ELT Assessment Otherwise
|Abstract = 369 veces | HTML = 7 veces| | PDF = 242 veces| | VISOR = 11 veces| -
Learnings on Conflicts and Reconciliations in EFL Preservice Teachers' Pedagogical Practicum
|Abstract = 669 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 404 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 10 veces| -
Policies and Practices for Global Multilingualism
|Abstract = 236 veces | PDF = 104 veces| | EPUB = 4 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 55 veces| | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 13 veces| -
Teaching Foreign Languages at the U-Diversity: Exploring Pathways Towards Decoloniality and Critical Interculturality
|Abstract = 975 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 647 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 24 veces| | VISOR (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 61 veces| -
The Impact of a Vision Intervention on Translation and Interpretation Students’ L2 Motivation
|Abstract = 460 veces | PDF = 248 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| | EPUB = 9 veces| -
The Role of Emotions in the Construction of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Identity
|Abstract = 160 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 87 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 5 veces| -
TikTok/Flipgrid for Foreign Language Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study
|Abstract = 684 veces | PDF = 425 veces| | EPUB = 20 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Using Translanguaging to Decolonize English Language Teaching in Colombia: A Narrative Inquiry
|Abstract = 1205 veces | HTML = 12 veces| | PDF = 752 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 31 veces| -
Voices from the Aboriginals: A Response from the South Aimed at Southing Language Education
|Abstract = 672 veces | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 414 veces| | HTML = 6 veces| | VISOR = 1 veces|