Analyzing the Concept and Field of Inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca from a Decolonial Perspective




ELF, decoloniality, coloniality, geopolitics of knowledge, punto cero, decolonial praxis


Recent epistemological and ontological revisions demonstrate a change within the elf geopolitics of knowledge as voices from the global South begin to claim themselves as knowledge producers within a field strongly marked by the European hegemony. This article aims at analyzing the concept and field of inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) from a decolonial perspective. Founded on the work of one the authors and departing from the decolonial exercise of identification-interrogation-interruption, the article identifies the main ELF tenets, brings up different voices in the field, and interrogates who these voices belong to, and where they come from. Findings show a complex weave of meanings still marked by coloniality traces in which hegemonic European views place themselves as hybris del punto cero despite the multiplicity of ELF views and practices all over the globe. The authors advocate for attentive and critical reading of ELF, particularly, with regards to where knowledge is generated and who generates such knowledge if one wishes to delink from self-assured global north ELF epistemologies. They also propose a decolonial praxis in the reading of ELF as a pre-condition towards the interruption of coloniality.

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Author Biographies

Gabriela da Costa Rosa, Universidade de São Paulo

English Language Teacher, Colégio Santa Clara, São Paulo, Brazil.

Ana Paula Duboc, Universidade de São Paulo

Full Professor, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Rosa, G. da C., & Duboc, A. P. (2022). Analyzing the Concept and Field of Inquiry of English as a Lingua Franca from a Decolonial Perspective. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 27(3), 840–857.