ChatGPT as a Tool to Improve Written Expression in English as a Foreign Language
ChatGPT, university education, English language teaching, teaching- learning writing, artificial intelligenceAbstract
This paper aims to investigate the possibilities of ChatGPT as an aid for academic writing in a foreign language in higher education. For this purpose, the students performed a writing task and experienced the possibilities of the robot in terms of correcting and improving written expression in the essay genre in English language. The outcome of the use of ChatGPT was evaluated through a detailed analysis of the students’ interactions with the instrument. The analysis highlighted the mistakes and correct answers provided by this tool. Findings show that ChatGPT benefits from its huge amount of data to provide learners with a wide variety of improve-ment options, ranging from vocabulary and grammar to text structure and content. However, the use of this technolog y for teaching purposes has limitations, specifi-cally in the interaction of the user with the robot, as ChatGPT needs very precise instructions to ensure correct interpretation of the information. Nevertheless, as an aid and learning tool, it is useful provided it is guided and supervised by the teacher.
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