Disrupting Rural Local Realities through Inquiry-Based Learning in the EFL Classroom
decoloniality, EFL, ELT, Inquiry-based learning, English language teaching in rural areasAbstract
English language teaching (ELT) in rural areas oftentimes deviates from the global agenda with practices that contribute to students' well-being beyond language skill development. This article reports a qualitative case study that explored the influence of inquiry-based learning (IBL) on EFL (English-as-a-foreign-language) students’ awareness of local sociocultural issues at a rural public school in the department of Huila, in southwestern Colombia. Thus, a pedagogical intervention was implemented. Data were collected from 22 high school students who completed questionnaires and interviews, which were analyzed from a decolonial perspective. The thematic analysis of students’ responses yielded three categories: (a) students’ inertial take on local sociocultural issues: initial views formed from typical passive engagement, (b) the expansion of sociocultural perspectives: the quantum leap in students’ critical thinking, and (c) momentum of change: students’ sociocultural awareness and activism. Findings show that students critically addressed complex sociocultural issues, such as violence against women, drug abuse, and child abuse, which had previously been ignored. Additionally, students developed strategies to address their community’s challenges. Therefore, students enhanced their sociocultural awareness and social activism, revealing ibl as a meaningful teaching approach to promote a holistic approach to elt. By taking a proactive role in their learning process and through the emancipation from glocal political and economic agendas interfering with the educational system, students affirm their dignity and are empowered to help others overcome social issues in their communities.
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