Vol. 28 No. 1 (2023)

This issue of 2023 brings with it a sample of Master Victoria Ortiz’ engraving work. Her personal motifs, mastery of diverse techniques, and her particular vision of our tropic can be appreciated in the sample we have prepared for you here.
Full Issue
|Abstract = 258 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 4 veces| | PDF = 94 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 83 veces| | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 16 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 12 veces|
Empirical Studies
Foreign Language Instructors’ Professional Development in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Solutions
|Abstract = 915 veces | HTML = 5 veces| | PDF = 432 veces| -
Exploring Iranian EFL teachers’ attitudes toward the use of learning management systems in English classes
|Abstract = 668 veces | HTML = 3 veces| | PDF = 499 veces| -
Envisioning Paths Towards Peacebuilding in Foreign Language Teacher Education
|Abstract = 714 veces | HTML = 13 veces| | PDF = 493 veces| -
Use of WhatsApp as a Platform to Promote English Oral Fluency and Accuracy: A Task Repetition Approach
|Abstract = 1027 veces | HTML = 3 veces| | PDF = 532 veces| -
Croatian as a Heritage Language in Argentina: Between Vulnerability and Linguistic Maintenance
|Abstract = 595 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 6 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 293 veces|
Case Studies
Translations and Transcreations of Advertising Posts on Twitter and Instagram: Netflix in Spanish
|Abstract = 710 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 5 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 422 veces| -
The Language of Cryptocurrencies: Frequent Words, Neologisms, Acronyms, and Metaphors
|Abstract = 535 veces | HTML = 5 veces| | PDF = 245 veces| -
Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in English Research Article Abstracts Written by Non-Native Authors: A Corpus-Based Contrastive Study
|Abstract = 719 veces | HTML = 17 veces| | PDF = 373 veces| -
Variation and Use of Relativizers in the Spanish of Medellín, Colombia: A Corpus-Based Study
|Abstract = 580 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 215 veces| -
Linguistic Prejudices in Interviews: An Analysis of Research Projects in a University in Mexico
|Abstract = 426 veces | HTML = 2 veces| | PDF = 213 veces| -
Film Aesthetics in Álvaro Cepeda Samudio’s La casa grande
|Abstract = 532 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 1 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 225 veces|
Theoretical Articles
The Embera Chami Community in the City of Bogota: A Sociolinguistic Literature Review
|Abstract = 805 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 3 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 432 veces|