Types of Errors Made by French-Speaking Learners of Catalan on a B1 (Threshold) Test


  • Anna Joan Casademont Université TÉLUQ




L2 learning, error analysis, written production, Catalan as a foreign language, francophone learners, written essays


This research addresses different types of errors made by francophone intermediate learners of Catalan (Threshold level, B1) in written productions. The aims of this study were three: (a) to identify error patterns, (b) to test the typology of errors we proposed, and (c) to elaborate pedagogical strategies to support students whose first language is French in learning Catalan at an intermediate level. The study therefore tracked error patterns in a corpus of written essays during a Catalan official exam conducted by the Ramon Llull Institute. Errors were analyzed and classified following descriptive and etiological criteria. Using a descriptive approach, this article reports quantitative and qualitative findings and implications in order to recommend optimized practices for teaching and learning Catalan.

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Author Biography

Anna Joan Casademont, Université TÉLUQ

Doctora en Ciències del Llenguatge i Lingüística Aplicada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Espagne.
Professeure, Département de Sciences Humaines, Lettres et Communications, Université TELUQ.
455, rue du Parvis, Québec (Québec) G1K 9H6


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How to Cite

Joan Casademont, A. (2020). Types of Errors Made by French-Speaking Learners of Catalan on a B1 (Threshold) Test. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 25(2), 417–433. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v25n02a11



Empirical Studies
