Fostering Critical Perspectives Among Future Teachers of English


  • Maria Amor Barros-del Rio University of Burgos



teacher training, English language, critical thinking, dialogic pedagogy, critical reflection, teacher identity


The last decades have witnessed the expansion of English as an international lan-guage, a phenomenon intimately linked to the processes of globalization. This dominant position makes it difficult to detect the power imbalances that hide behind the linguistic uses, the messages that are transmitted, or the communities of speakers, among other aspects. Equally, the teaching of English is impregnated with veiled values and policies that must be addressed from the training of future teachers of English. Given that the design and implementation of such training is often in the hands of teachers, pre-service teacher training suffers from a strong fragmentation. Thus, the enormous diversity of initiatives that exist needs to be integrated in an ordered and coherent proposal. This work emphasizes the importance of coupling a dialogic pedagogy with critical reflection and professional teacher identity within a categorized and integral formative proposal so that this formative period is a useful, integral and transforming tool to foster critical thinking in future English teachers.

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Author Biography

Maria Amor Barros-del Rio, University of Burgos

Doctora en Filología Inglesa, Universidad de Burgos. Profesora asociada, Facultad de Humanidades y Comunicación, Universidad de Burgos. Paseo de Comendadores s/n (Hospital Militar) 09001 Burgos, España.


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How to Cite

Barros-del Rio, M. A. (2019). Fostering Critical Perspectives Among Future Teachers of English. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 24(3), 607–618.



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