Radical Picture Books in Educational Settings: A Systematic Revision of Aims, Competences, and the Relations Between Mediators and Readers
reading skills, radical books, picture books, mediators, children’s literature, readersAbstract
Despite the expectations that radical books have generated, contributions addressing their purposes, the skills they promote in readers, and the interactions they facilitate between reading mediators (adults) and child and youth readers have not been systematized. To fill this gap, this article presents a systematic bibliographic review of 36 empirical articles that gather evidence on the work carried out with picture books grouped under the label of “radical” in educational contexts. “Radical books” are picture books that have some narrative sophistication (postmodern books), present themes that are unconventional in children's literature (disturbing) and are crossover or for all ages. The categorical inductive analysis reveals three important aspects: (a) that radical books are valued for their gap opening between picture and text, thus promoting the construction of diverse meaning in readers; (B) that research in this area focuses on the promotion of socio-emotional and critical literacy skills, and (c) that their use can open more symmetrical relationships between mediators and readers.
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