Examining Hegemonic and Monoglossic Language Ideologies, Policies, and Practices Within Bilingual Education in Colombia





Colombia, heteroglossia, bilingual education, language ideology, language policy, coloniality, hegemony


From the lens of coloniality, monoglossic and hegemonic language ideologies and policies exist within public and private bilingual education in Colombia which oppress students’ and teachers’ diverse linguistic identities and languaging practices.
This article draws on critical scholarship which recognizes the need to decolonize language education. As such, it includes a review of key literature from the fields of language ideologies, language policy, and classroom languaging practices
to consider alternative approaches to bilingual education from a heteroglossic stance, including translanguaging and critical multilingual language awareness.
The literature review suggests that within the Colombian context, hegemonic and monoglossic ideologies and practices are present within international private bilingual schools and through the National Bilingual Program. In addition, an
underlying logic of coloniality exists in both public and private language education as both contexts hold foreign languages, expertise, and relationships as more valuable than their local equivalents. However, recent classroom-based research in Colombia indicates promising new heteroglossic approaches which not only acknowledge
the benefits, but also support diverse linguistic identities and practices.

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Author Biography

Esther Bettney, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA.


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How to Cite

Bettney, E. (2022). Examining Hegemonic and Monoglossic Language Ideologies, Policies, and Practices Within Bilingual Education in Colombia. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 27(1), 249–270. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v27n1a12



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