Bridging Linguistic Divides? A Critical Exploration of Machine Translation’s Role in Fostering Cross-Cultural Accessibility in Literature




world literature, machine translation, cultural diversity, literary translation, multicultural accessibility


This article is situated at the interstices of literary translation and language technology, and revolves around the multifaceted concept of Weltliteratur. It is conceived of as an invitation to a critical dialogue on leveraging machine translation to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in literature. In a globalised world where cultural flows are not equally distributed, the need arises to examine the role of machine translation as a tool to promote diversity in the linguistic and cultural landscape, thus establishing what might be considered a Weltliteratur. Drawing from mainstays in translation studies, computational linguistics, cultural and literary studies, this article proposes strategies for leveraging machine translation effectively, but also cautions against an all too simplistic adoption of language technology in the steadfast pursuit of a more diverse and inclusive literature.  Ultimately, this article aims to spark a debate on the balance between technological efficiency and the complexities of cultural representation in literary translation.

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Author Biography

Gys-Walt van Egdom, Utrecht University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

van Egdom, G.-W. (2024). Bridging Linguistic Divides? A Critical Exploration of Machine Translation’s Role in Fostering Cross-Cultural Accessibility in Literature. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 29(3), e14356102.