Vol. 29 No. 3 (2024): Policies and Practices for Global Multilingualism

This thematic issue is organized jointly by Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, and the UNESCO Chair on Language Policies for Multilingualism (UCLPM). We had the honor to count on Gilvan Müller de Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), Umarani Pappuswamy (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasagangotri, Mysuru, Karnataka, India), and Martha Lucía Pulido Correa (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) as Guest Editors. Accompanying our Babelian issue, is a sample of young Colombian painter Harrison Tobón, whose paintings beautifully illustrate our sections. To learn more about his work, click here.
Full Issue
Policies and Practices for Global Multilingualism
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|Abstract = 298 veces | PDF = 140 veces| | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 1 veces| | EPUB = 0 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | EPUB (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 1 veces| | EPUB (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 1 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 93 veces| | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 15 veces|
Empirical Studies
Multilingual Policies and Practices in Higher Education: A Nation-Wide Exploration in Colombia
|Abstract = 748 veces | PDF = 245 veces| | EPUB = 6 veces| -
Localisation Loss in the French Versions of Websites from the Andalusian Agri-Food Sector
|Abstract = 88 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 64 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 5 veces|
Case Studies
Linguistic and Textual Characteristics of Film Audio Description in Uruguay
|Abstract = 114 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 111 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 4 veces| -
Language Policies Towards Spanish in Trinidad & Tobago and the Philippines: An Exploratory Study
|Abstract = 150 veces | PDF = 75 veces| | EPUB = 2 veces| -
Romanian Medicine Schools as Multilingual Spaces: Challenges in New Diploma Migrations
|Abstract = 123 veces | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 58 veces| | EPUB (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 3 veces| -
From Exclusion to Active Intergenerational Participation: A Dubbing Project in a Minoritised Indigenous Language
|Abstract = 131 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 87 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 4 veces| -
Visions of the Earth: Colombian Indigenous Women Learning English from a Gender-Based and Multilingual Perspective
|Abstract = 283 veces | PDF = 109 veces| | EPUB = 2 veces| -
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Integration of African Languages in Higher Education Learning: A South African Case Study
|Abstract = 99 veces | PDF = 65 veces| | EPUB = 3 veces| -
Study Abroad Programming in Writing Centers in Colombia and the USA: Lessons in Translanguaging, Decolonial Theory, and Programming
|Abstract = 232 veces | PDF = 113 veces| | EPUB = 8 veces| -
Perspectives and Trends in Foreign Language Policies in China: The Case of Portuguese
|Abstract = 138 veces | PDF = 66 veces| | EPUB = 6 veces|
Literature Reviews
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation in the Context of Academic Mobility Abroad: A Systematic Review
|Abstract = 202 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 140 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 6 veces|
Theoretical Articles
Epistemological Challenges of Plurilingualism for Diversifying French Language Teaching
|Abstract = 467 veces | PDF (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 114 veces| | EPUB (FRANÇAIS (CANADA)) = 14 veces| -
On the Emergence of the Concept of “Linguistic Rights” in Brazilian Legal Doctrine
|Abstract = 119 veces | PDF (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 55 veces| | EPUB (PORTUGUÊS (BRASIL)) = 6 veces| -
Bridging Linguistic Divides? A Critical Exploration of Machine Translation’s Role in Fostering Cross-Cultural Accessibility in Literature
|Abstract = 122 veces | PDF = 69 veces| | EPUB = 5 veces|
Book Reviews
Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism
|Abstract = 108 veces | PDF = 74 veces| | EPUB (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 6 veces|