Multilingual Policies and Practices in Higher Education: A Nation-Wide Exploration in Colombia


  • Norbella Miranda Universidad del Valle
  • Sandra Ximena Bonilla-Medina Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Jaime A. Usma Wilches Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carmelina Encarnación Universidad del Cauca
  • Ederson Silva-Londoño Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ligia Martínez Bula Corporación universitaria de Caribe (CECAR)



language policy, multilingualism, higher education, critical race theory, decoloniality


In the last two decades, foreign language policies in Colombia have prioritized English across the education system, aiming for international competitiveness and educational quality. These policies have sparked concerns among educators, including language stratification, commodification of English for the privileged, adoption of foreign benchmarks, insufficient policy implementation, and limitations of the English-Spanish bilingual model compared to multilingual perspectives. Inspired by critical race theory and decoloniality, this qualitative study examines higher education policies in Colombia, focusing on how they address multilingualism and the country's sociocultural diversity. The study explores language policies related to student access, retention, and graduation; language requirements for faculty; and the promotion of various languages. Data collection involved a documentary analysis, interviews and surveys conducted across 16 universities from different regions of the country. Findings suggest the ongoing pervasiveness of English language-centered ideologies in most participating institutions, the invisibilities these ideologies and associated practices bring about in universities, and some emergent policies aiming at promoting multilingualism. The recommendations emanated from this study could resonate with universities both in Colombia and internationally, particularly those in similar contexts.

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Author Biographies

Norbella Miranda, Universidad del Valle

Associate professor and Coordinator of the ELT Emphasis in the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education at Universidad del Valle. She holds a PhD in Education from Universidad del Quindio (Colombia). She researches and publishes in the areas of language policy, multilingualism, curriculum and language education. Dr. Miranda is a member of RedPoliDiversa.

Sandra Ximena Bonilla-Medina, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Full professor and Coordinator of the Master in Applied Linguistics for English Teaching at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of East London and a Master in Applied Linguistics for English Teaching. She researches and publishes in the area of language teaching, race, culture and technology. Dr. Bonilla-Medina is a member of ESTUPOLI research group and RedPoliDiversa.

Jaime A. Usma Wilches, Universidad de Antioquia

Current director of the School of Languages, Universidad de Antioquia. During the last twenty years, he has focused on the study and promotion of language education policies for multilingualism, diversity and peace construction in different education settings in Colombia.  Dr. Usma is a member of RedPoliDiversa.

Carmelina Encarnación, Universidad del Cauca

Associate professor and the Head of the Languages Department in Universidad del Cauca. She holds a Master’s degree in English Didactics from Universidad del Cauca. Her research  interests are language policy, teacher education, and pedagogy. Member of RedPoliDiversa.

Ederson Silva-Londoño, Universidad de Antioquia

Academic Coordinator of the Multiligua Program at the Universidad de Antioquia. He holds a Master’s degree in Sociolinguistics and Language Policies for Plurilingualism from Université Paul-Valery (Montpellier III) in France. His scholarly pursuits revolve around multilingualism, sociolinguistics, language policies, and language education pedagogy.

Ligia Martínez Bula, Corporación universitaria de Caribe (CECAR)

Associate professor and Academic coordinator of the EFL program in Corporación universitaria de Caribe (CECAR). She earned a doctorate degree in Educational Administration and Policy from Universidad Baja California (Mexico). Her research interests are language policy, language and teaching education. Member of RedPoliDiversa.


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How to Cite

Miranda, N., Bonilla-Medina, S. X., Usma Wilches, J. A., Encarnación, C., Silva-Londoño, E., & Martínez Bula, L. (2024). Multilingual Policies and Practices in Higher Education: A Nation-Wide Exploration in Colombia. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 29(3), e2357019.