Fostering Resiliency through Literacy Practices with Adults in Situations of Displacement


  • Claudia Marcela Chapetón castro Universidad Pedagógica Nacional



reading transactions, processes of resiliency building, literacy practices with populations in situation of displacement


This article presents a report on the case study research carried out to explore literacy as a resource to build resiliency through dialogic experiences with a group of adults in situation of displacement. The research questions aimed at identifying the process of resiliency building by adults through dialogic transactions.  The participants enrolled in a Reading Club at the Integral Attention Office for Displaced Population located in Bogotá, came from different regions of Colombia victims of forced internal migration due to armed conflicts.  A group of five women in situation of displacement constituted the case study for this research.   Data was gathered through different sources of information: field notes, transcriptions of tape recorded sessions, interviews and a personal information questionnaire. The findings informed about the social issues that emerged as critical during the dialogic experiences, the resiliency factors present when dealing with adversity and the results of the building resiliency process.

Received: 06-05-05 / Accepted: 01-08-05

How to reference this article:

Chapetón Castro, C. M. (2005). Fostering Resiliency Through Literacy Practices With Adults In Situation of Displacement. Íkala. 10 (1), pp. 281 – 311 

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Author Biography

Claudia Marcela Chapetón castro, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Mg. Marcela Chapetón Castro holds a Master in Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language from Universidad Distrital "Francisco José de Caldas" in Bogotá.  She is a full-time professor of English in the Language Department at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.


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How to Cite

Chapetón castro, C. M. (2005). Fostering Resiliency through Literacy Practices with Adults in Situations of Displacement. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 10(1), 281–311.


