Communicative Task and Competence: Reflections on a Focus Group


  • Mercedes Vallejo Gómez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Juan Diego Martínez Marín Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



communicative competence, communicative task, foreign language learning, formative assessment, autonomy formation.


The objective of this article is to describe a foreign language learning management proposal erected from the identification and organization of a communicative task that functions as an articulating element in the communicative competence development. This research proposal was conducted under the action research bases and under the support of participant-teachers within the intention of creating a collaborative work supported on the reflection, critical dialogue and transformation (Burns, 1999). A teachers' focus group was set, journals were made, a diagnostic survey was conducted as well as some semi-structured interviews to teachers; and a learning and teaching management guide was built collaboratively. As a result, we obtained the construction of a guidance document, as one of the partial findings of this ongoing research, that takes into account the communicative competence as a part of an integral concept of language that conveys social agents into specific situations of intercultural communication and that takes into account the following: the definition of a communicative task; the pre-tasks planning leading to the achievement of the communicative task; the task assessment through formative strategies; the activation of learning strategies; the development of some tasks in physical and virtual environments; and the teacher's reflections once the cycle has been completed. The re-validation of the activities suggested by teachers in the foreign language learning process constitutes itself into integrating factor for the development of a communicative task which has inputs and outputs materialized in a series of different instruments concerning comprehensive, interactive and productive conditions.

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Author Biographies

Mercedes Vallejo Gómez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Mercedes Vallejo Gomez. Professional in Languages ​​from the University of Antioquia, specialist in management in economics and development from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), master's degree in social history with an emphasis on education, from the University of Paris XII (France). He is currently a research professor at the UPB. Member of the MELEX Study Group (Methodologies and Evaluation in Foreign Languages), of the Center for Languages ​​and the Faculty of Education of the UPB

Juan Diego Martínez Marín, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Juan Diego Martínez Marín. Graduate in Foreign Languages, specialist in Social Management, and Master's in Education, line "Teacher training" from the University of Antioquia. He is currently a research professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB). Member of the MELEX Study Group (Methodologies and Evaluation in Foreign Languages), the Language Center and the UPB Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Vallejo Gómez, M., & Martínez Marín, J. D. (2011). Communicative Task and Competence: Reflections on a Focus Group. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 16(2), 161–197.



Research papers