Vol. 16 No. 2
Metacognition and Reading Comprehension
|Abstract = 368 veces | PDF = 189 veces| | VIDEO = 6 veces|
Case Studies
The International Certification System for Spanish as a Foreign Language in Antioquia (Colombia): Experience and Perspective
|Abstract = 182 veces | PDF = 56 veces|
Reflection papers
Towards the Formulation of a Proposal for Opportunity-to-Learn Standards
|Abstract = 215 veces | PDF = 52 veces| -
An Honest Start: Reassessing the Role of Theory in EFL Teacher Preparation
|Abstract = 142 veces | PDF = 61 veces| | DCORREA0813, IKALA EDITOR.DOCX = 0 veces|
Research papers
Communicative Task and Competence: Reflections on a Focus Group
|Abstract = 176 veces | PDF = 76 veces| | VIDEO = 7 veces| -
Socio-Cultural Politeness in Medellín and Japanese Societies: an Introduction
|Abstract = 269 veces | PDF = 64 veces| -
Exploring Writer Identity in Mexican EFL Students’ Academic Writing
|Abstract = 153 veces | PDF = 80 veces| -
CLILL: Colombia Leading into Content Language Learning
|Abstract = 668 veces | PDF = 437 veces| -
The English Reading Strategies of Two Colombian English Preservice Teachers
|Abstract = 155 veces | PDF = 98 veces| -
University Academic Writing:State of the Art
|Abstract = 244 veces | PDF = 280 veces|