Towards the Formulation of a Proposal for Opportunity-to-Learn Standards


  • Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos Universidad del Valle
  • Fanny Hernández Gaviria Universidad del Valle



Standards, opportunity to learn, conditions, equity, inequality, education.


This paper focuses on the need to formulate and implement a proposal for opportunity-to-learn standards (OTL) in the field of language learning and teaching in Colombia, with the aim of ensuring the necessary conditions for the implementation and achievement of the performance standards, issued by the Ministry of Education as part of the National Bilingual Program in this area. First, it reviews the concept, origins, composition and models of OTL standards, and then it examines the Colombian situation to make a case for OTL in this country.

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Author Biographies

Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos, Universidad del Valle

Rosalba Cárdenas Ramos. Professor of Languages, Applied Linguistics and Research at the School of Language Sciences of the Universidad del Valle

Fanny Hernández Gaviria, Universidad del Valle

Fanny Hernández Gaviria. Professor of English and research at the School of Language Sciences of the Universidad del Valle.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Ramos, R., & Hernández Gaviria, F. (2011). Towards the Formulation of a Proposal for Opportunity-to-Learn Standards. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 16(2), 231–258.



Reflection papers