The International Certification System for Spanish as a Foreign Language in Antioquia (Colombia): Experience and Perspective


  • Gustavo Jaramillo Cardona Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Jaime Alberto Naranjo Universidad Eafit
  • María Claudia González Rátiva Universidad de Antioquia



spanish as a foreign language, SICELE, nodal methodology, Spanish teaching.


The International System for Spanish as a Foreign Language (SICELE, its Spanish acronym) is an initiative of the Cervantes Institute and a meaningful group of Latin-American universities presented during the Third International Congress of the Spanish Language in 2004. It aims to create parameters to standardize and mutually recognize the different exams or certificates of Spanish as a foreign language that make part of the System. A nationwide nodal work methodology came across for the consolidation of this initiative. This searches to benefit professional development, the study of legal framework, the possible design of international exams, the respect for linguistic varieties, the positioning of the Spanish language and the region as a linguistic destination, among other concrete tasks. This article talks about the Project, the experience with the methodology in Colombia and the challenges ahead for this area of knowledge, especially in Antioquia (Colombia).

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Jaramillo Cardona, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Gustavo Jaramillo Cardona is a professor with a degree in Modern Languages ​​from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and a Master's in Modern Languages ​​from the University of Paris III. Currently, he coordinates the Spanish Program for Foreigners at the Universidad Pontifi-cia Bolivariana (ESPEX). He is a full-time professor at this University and teaches classes in four different languages: Spanish, English, French and Japanese.

Jaime Alberto Naranjo, Universidad Eafit

Jaime Alberto Naranjo. Bachelor of Education from the University of Antioquia, specialist in International Business from the EAFIT University and a Master's degree in Spanish Studies and Latin American Studies from the University of Bergen, Norway. He currently works as academic coordinator of the Language Center of the EAFIT University, of the Spanish programs for foreigners, Italian, German, Portuguese, French, Colombian sign language, Japanese and Chinese-Mandarin.

María Claudia González Rátiva, Universidad de Antioquia

María Claudia González Rátiva, Master in Spanish Linguistics from the Caro y Cuervo Institute, associate professor at the University of Antioquia.


Bachman, L. y Palmer, A. (2002). Language Testing in Practice: Designing and Developing Useful Language Tests. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

González Rátiva, M. C. et ál. (2008). Nodo Antioquia del

SICELE: programas y proyecciones en ELE. Lenguas en contacto y bilingüismo, Bogotá, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, núm. 1, noviembre. Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2010, de

SICELE (2010a). Marco lingüístico. Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2010, de

SICELE. (2010b). Política de calidad. Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2010, de

SICELE. (2010c). Sistema internacional de certificación del español como lengua extranjera. Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2010, de

Universidad de Antioquia. (s. f.). 'Grupos de investigación. SICELE COLOMBIA'. Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2010, de




How to Cite

Jaramillo Cardona, G., Naranjo, J. A., & González Rátiva, M. C. (2011). The International Certification System for Spanish as a Foreign Language in Antioquia (Colombia): Experience and Perspective. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 16(2), 201–227.



Case Studies