Artist ́s Novel in “La luz difícil” (The Difficult Light)by Tomás González: Art as a Break out of Reality


  • Wilson Andrés Cano Gallego



artist's novel, Difficult Light, Tomás González, art, reality, life-death


Based on some ideas of the “artist novel,” this article is about the novel “La luz difícil” (The hard light), by Tomás González, a Colombian writer who was born in Medellin, Antioquia in 1950. The article explores the context of this narrative tradition, showing the categories from which González’s work can be read. It also reveals how the artist-character from the novel uses art as an escape from reality, which allows him to establish a dialogue with the novel’s sense of life and death at the same time.
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Author Biography

Wilson Andrés Cano Gallego

Master in Literary Hermeneutics from EAFIT University. Degree in Humanities Spanish Language from the University of Antioquia. Teacher of the municipality of Medellín.


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How to Cite

Cano Gallego, W. A. (2015). Artist ́s Novel in “La luz difícil” (The Difficult Light)by Tomás González: Art as a Break out of Reality. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 19(2), 137–148.



Empirical Studies