resistant or favorable? Chinese learners’ beliefs towarDs task-based language learning and teaChing


  • Damien Le Gal Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
  • Pei I-Chou National Sun Yat-Sen University



Chinese culture of learning, ask-Based Language Teaching and Learning, Intercultural learning


English as Foreign Language (EFL) in East Asia involves major sociocultural issues. Modern, Western-based methodologies such as Communicative Language Learning (CLL, Communicative Language Teaching, CLT in this paper) and its further development Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching (TBLLT, Ellis, 2003), feature principles which can conflict with some of the fundamental values of Confucian Heritage Cultures (CHC) education and hinder their adoption in Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Hong-Kong and Vietnam. This
article introduces a sociocultural, ethnographic perspective on EFL in East Asia which contextualizes language teaching in its broader educational and cultural environment. Teacher-centeredness, book and writing focuses, memorization strategies within a grammar-translation approach are in contradiction with modern language teaching methodologies’ focuses on learner-centeredness and teachers’ facilitating roles, student participation and interactions, communication competence and learner autonomy. The text advocates for a mean between
Western and Eastern learning cultures through a context-based, culturally-sensitive approach and introduces classroom’s strategies for the implementation of CLL and TBLLT in China and East Asia.
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Author Biographies

Damien Le Gal, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Researcher-teacher at the Luis Amigó University Foundation. Associate researcher of the PREFics research team in France.

Pei I-Chou, National Sun Yat-Sen University

Pr. Pei-Yi Chou is professor at the Institute of Education of the National Sun Yat-Sen University.


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How to Cite

Le Gal, D., & I-Chou, P. (2015). resistant or favorable? Chinese learners’ beliefs towarDs task-based language learning and teaChing. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 20(1), 95–110.



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