A Comparative Study of Turkish and Spanish Translations of The Crucible


  • María Pilar González Vera Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Filiz Yalcin Tilfarlioglu Gaziantep Üniversitesi




linguistic politeness, politic behaviour, power, gender, translation


This text demonstrates how power and gender relationships affect the translation process of a literary text. More specifically, we will focus on the translation of linguistic politeness and politic behavior in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. While there is only one Turkish translation (1962) of the play, for the analysis of the Spanish translations we have chosen two from different eras, one from 1955 and another from 1997, with the intention of demonstrating how these translations have become a reflection of the socio-cultural situation of the target country at the moment they were written.

Received: 04-10-2007 / Accepted: 04-08-2008

How to reference this article:

Gonzalez Vera, P. & Yalcin Tilfarlioglu, F. (2008). Estudio comparativo de las traducciones al turco y al español de Las Brujas de Salem. Íkala. 13(2), pp.31-54

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Author Biographies

María Pilar González Vera, Universidad de Zaragoza

Mª Pilar González Vera is a junior lecturer at the Department of English and German Philology of the University of Zaragoza, where she graduated in English. She received her Bachelor Honours degree in Combined Studies from the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, where she graduated with upper second class honours. She taught Spanish at the Department of Languages of the University of Central Lancashire and subsequently continued her doctoral studies at the University of Zaragoza, where she presented her M.A. Dissertations in 2005. She has presented several papers at both national and international conferences and is currently teaching "English language" in the Faculty of Education at the University of Zaragoza.

Filiz Yalcin Tilfarlioglu, Gaziantep Üniversitesi

Yalcin Tilfarlioglu graduated from the University of Istanbul in 1990. She received her M.A. in ELT from Gaziantep University in 1993, and her Ph.D. from Cukurova University, Turkey, in 1996. She has several national and international articles and has presented several papers at both national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

González Vera, M. P., & Tilfarlioglu, F. Y. (2008). A Comparative Study of Turkish and Spanish Translations of The Crucible. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 13(2), 31–54. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.2681


