Causality and Positioning in the School Discourse of History in Spanish
causality in discourse, history school discourse, systemic-functional linguistics, logical ideational grammatical metaphors, discursive positioning, discourse in SpanishAbstract
The discursive construction of causality involves the use of a number of resources that go far beyond the so-called "causal connectors" in the Spanish linguistic tradition. Studies in Spanish have shown that connexion can be realised implicitly and explicitly through various configurations. Some of these configurations, besides realising conexion, involve certain interpersonal positionings. This article aims to characterise the interactions between the meanings of connexion and interpersonal meanings in the construction of historical causality. In line with this, this paper analyses causal sequences in fragments from an 11th grade Chilean history textbook, from a discourse semantics perspective, using systemic functional linguistics. The analysis of the sequences allows us to observe that the system of connexion interacts with the interpersonal subsystems of engagement and graduation. In relation to the subsystem of engagement, connexions realised verbally (e.g. A allowed B) play a role in closing or opening the dialogical space. Regarding the subsystem of graduation, these connexions allow for sharpening or softening the actualisation of the causal connexion. From a multifunctional perspective on language, it is possible to conclude that the construction of causality generates couplings between logical meanings and interpersonal meanings that are relevant in the interpretation of the past.
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