Personality and Emotional Charge in the Translation of Breast Cancer Testimonials
breast cancer, translator’s emotions and personality, translation psychology, medical translationAbstract
This research article focuses on analyzing the impact or influence of personality and the emotional charge of breast cancer testimonials on the accuracy and quality of translations. To this end, an experimental study was designed in which a group of translators had to read and translate two breast cancer testimonials (one with positive valence and the other with negative valence), in addition to completing a series of psychometric tests. Based on the existing literature, three hypotheses were formulated: (a) translations of the negatively charged text would be much more accurate than those of the positively charged text; (b) highly sensitive translators would produce better translations, but would have higher levels of anxiety; and (c) those with a higher self-concept would perform worse in both translations. The results obtained showed that the translations of the negative text were in fact much more accurate in terms of conveying meaning and terminology. As far as high sensitivity is concerned, highly sensitive participants performed better only in the translation of the positive text. As for the impact of self-concept, our hypothesis was only corroborated for translations of the negative text.
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