Music as the Language of Love and Self-Revelation in George Eliot’s "The Mill on the Floss"


  • Beatriz Aguirre Universidad de Antioquia



English nineteen century literature, George Eliot, music


The author of this article shows the double function, music has in Eliot's 'The Mill on the Floss': a language of love, passion and desperation, and a gateway to the world of imagination and pleasure. Recalling Eliot's musical ability, the article reveals how the writer enhances the novel's aesthetic qualities by interweaving opera pieces with the episodes of the novel, and bases each episode on the act of an opera.

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Author Biography

Beatriz Aguirre, Universidad de Antioquia

: Es profesora de tiempo completo de la Escuela de Idiomas de la Universidad de Antioquia, Master of Arts in English and Ph.D in Comparative Literature, Binghamton, New York University. 


AUBER, Daniel F. Masaniello: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts. London: T. Brettell, [18?]

________. Masaniello: Tragic Opera in Five Acts. Philadelphia: American Opera, 1870.

BELLINI, Vincenzo. La Somnambula. Libretto by Felice Romani. English translation by Peggie Cochrane. Synopsis by J. Wrey Mould. Conductor, Richard Bonynge. Germany: Deutsche Gramophon, 1963.

ELIOT, George. The Mill on the Floss. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.

GAY, Jhon. The Beggar’s Opera. In: Edgar V. Roberts ed. Lincon: University of Nebraska, 1969

HANDEL, George F. Acis and Galatea. Frankfurt: C.F Peters, [19?]

WHITER, George. What I care? In: Collected English Verses. Margaret and Donald Botrall ed. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1969

YOUNG, Percy M. George Eliot and Music. Music and Letters. No. 24: (1943), pp. 92-100




How to Cite

Aguirre, B. (2000). Music as the Language of Love and Self-Revelation in George Eliot’s "The Mill on the Floss". Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 5(1), 129–142.


