An Approach to Translation Didactics of English-Spanish Scientific and Technical Texts


  • Norman Gómez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jorge Iván Gómez Universidad de Antioquia



translation didactics, scientific and technical texts, translation competence, translation handbook, learning portfolio


This article shows some reflections obtained from the project ''Approximation to the translation of scientific and technical texts''. The project was carried out following these steps: search and selection of curricular information and readings about translation as a theoretical support for the proposal; creation of the Handbook for Teaching Translation of Scientific and Technical Texts: English/ Spanish, including its learning portfolio to evaluate its workshops; testing of some workshops and implementation of strategies for its divulgation. This project evidenced the shortage of programs for studying translation of scientific and technical texts in Colombia; the lack of consensus in the conceptualization of the text types referred as specialized languages and the need for revising the rigid structure followed, in general, by the existing translation handbooks. This handbook can be used in different translation settings, thanks to the universality of the technical and scientific languages and to the features it presents. However, it is necessary to continue testing its results in different settings in order to deepen in the research of the didactics of translation.

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Author Biographies

Norman Gómez, Universidad de Antioquia

Norman Gómez has undergraduate degrees in Foreign Language Teaching and Translation from the University of Antioquia, and is a Specialist in Translation of human and literary sciences from the same university and a Master's in Education with an emphasis on didactics of translation in said university, where he also works as an occasional full-time teacher and member of the Research Group in Literary Translation (GITRALIT), at the Language School.

Jorge Iván Gómez, Universidad de Antioquia

Jorge Iván Gómez is a professional in languages ​​(translation) from the Antioquia University and a master's degree in Education with an emphasis on translation didactics at the University of Antioquia, where he also works as an occasional full-time teacher at the Language School.


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How to Cite

Gómez, N., & Gómez, J. I. (2011). An Approach to Translation Didactics of English-Spanish Scientific and Technical Texts. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 16(1), 135–163.



Empirical Studies