On the Use of Personal Pronouns in Two of Spanish Translations of Tartuffe
Translation in Spain, dramatic literature, personal pronouns, diachronic perspectiveAbstract
This article presents the results of a research project concerning the use of personal pronouns in two Spanish translations of Molière's Tartuffe. A span of nearly two hundred years separates the two translations, the first by José Marchena in 1811 and the second by Encarnación García Fernández and Eduardo J. Fernández Montes in 1984. A contrastive analysis of the two systems provides an interesting view of the notion of cultural adaptation within the framework of a dramatic text and, at the same time, reveals the diachronic evolution of the idea of translation in Spain.
Recibido: 12-10-2007/ Aceptado: 27-02-2008
How to refrence this article:
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