English Hegemony: A Perspective from the Conceptions of a Group of Venezuelan English Teachers


  • Belkys Siboney Moncada Vera National Experimental University of Táchira
  • Carmen Teresa Chacón Corzo Universidad de Los Andes https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7434-8614




English teaching, English language colonial spread, linguistic imperialism, ecology paradigm, critical theory, English teachers’ beliefs


This paper presents the findings of a research work examining the views about the spread and use of English as an international language among a group of Venezuelan English teachers. Participants were 78 English teachers from San Cristobal, Táchira State, who worked in several high schools and universities, both private and public. A questionnaire and an in-depth interview were used as data collection instruments. Data were analyzed using the constant comparison method, following the steps suggested under Grounded Theory. Atlas.ti was used to help analyzing data. The resulting categories were: views of English expansion as colonial, apolitical and acritical, or positive and neutral. Findings show that participants perceived the expansion of the English language as positive and advantageous since they gave them prestige and access to capital. This view suggests the use of the English language is dissociated from sociocultural, political, and ideological implications, which are associated to worldwide English hegemony..

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Author Biographies

Belkys Siboney Moncada Vera, National Experimental University of Táchira

Doctor of Education Sciences. Professor of English, Department of Social Sciences. Researcher A2 of the Venezuelan Researchers Program.

Carmen Teresa Chacón Corzo, Universidad de Los Andes

Doctor at TESOL. Retired Professor at the University of Los Andes. Researcher with recognized experience in the Venezuelan Researchers Program.


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How to Cite

Moncada Vera, B. S., & Chacón Corzo, C. T. (2018). English Hegemony: A Perspective from the Conceptions of a Group of Venezuelan English Teachers. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 23(2), 209–227. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v23n02a02



Empirical Studies