Spanish as a tool for inclusive globalization: Linguistic equity in double immersion classrooms in California
Spanish, English, dual-immersion, globalization, inclusivity, linguistic equityAbstract
The growth in the number of Spanish-English double immersion programs in the United States calls for an obligatory analysis of the role that Spanish will play as a vehicular language within the classroom and as an enriching nexus of Spanish society. In this theoretical article, we will review the negative impact and linguistic segregation of measures, such as Proposition 227 in California, and then we explore the role that Spanish may have, once Proposition 58 is passed, as a tool for educational equity and inclusive globalization. We depict the possibility of creating educational areas where Spanish has the same linguistic status as English. Likewise, we claim the value of Spanish as an intrinsic part of the history and the national idiosyncrasy of the United States and reaffirm the idea of coexistence and mutual enrichment of both languages, becoming an example of a plural society in terms of language and culture.
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