Team-teaching as an Alternative Model for Practice-based English Language Teacher Education: A Case Study in Chile
preservice teacher education, practicum, team-teaching , English as a foreign language, teacher identity, professional developmentAbstract
In recent decades progressive teaching practices have become a global trend in English-as-a-Foreign-Language teachers’ initial training. Against this backdrop, there is some need to explore alternative models that allow the development of reflective and collaborative practices. This research project aims precisely at responding to this need and explores team teaching as an alternative approach in the contexts of initial teacher education. This case study examines a team-based teaching experience lived by a group of pre-service English teachers in Chile. This study’s findings reveal that the team teaching model promoted effective peer feedback, contributing to their professional development and the construction of their teachers’ identity. Finally, based on the results of the study, a discussion on the feasibility of implementing a teaching-based teaching system within the curriculum of initial teacher education is discussed.
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