Online Dialogic Feedback Contributions to the Writing of the “Graduate Thesis” Discursive Genre




graduate thesis, dialogic feedback, discourse genres, academic writing, emotions and writing, online scaffolding


Feedback by experts and peers is pivotal when it comes to prepare a thesis. However, studies on dialogic feedback in graduate school are inchoate, with its impact on textualization not being addressed. This article is based on a study that inquired about the contributions of online dialogic feedback to the writing of the discursive genre "thesis", in a graduate educational program in the field of social and human sciences. The study focused on the revision of thesis chapters written by eight students enrolled in the program. The multiple case study included information from several sources, namely questionnaires, records of feedback and changes between the first and final chapter drafts, and in-depth interviews. The results suggest two main contributions to the textualization of online dialogic feedback based on the thesis genre: analysis and edition of the own thesis, and emotional aspects involved in its production. These findings provide information to promote decision-making regarding planning and management of teaching proposals oriented to thesis production at the graduate level.

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Author Biographies

Guadalupe Álvarez, National University of General Sarmiento

Independent researcher and associate professor, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina.

Ayelén Victoria Cavallini, National University of General Sarmiento

Assistant professor and doctoral fellow, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, National University of General Sarmiento, National University of Luján, Argentina.

Hilda Difabio de Anglat, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research

Principal Investigator, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, G., Cavallini, A. V., & Difabio de Anglat, H. (2023). Online Dialogic Feedback Contributions to the Writing of the “Graduate Thesis” Discursive Genre. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 29(1), 1–17.



Empirical Studies
