Motherhood Off-Field in Contemporary Spanish Comedy Drama Shows over Video-on-Demand Platforms
Spanish comedy dramas, motherhood, video-on-demand platforms, audiovisual representations, human reproductionAbstract
Spain is the second country in Europe with the lowest birth rate and the second country where women delay motherhood the most. Within this context, this article analyses how motherhood is socially constructed in six contemporary Spanish comedy drama TV shows, brought to the public via video-on-demand platforms.
Firstly, quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted observing the presence of reproduction-related processes, women’s aims, and plural representations of motherly figures. Secondly, a qualitative methodology of text analysis was applied to study how first and last appearances of starring actresses was staged in the shows in order to make the narrative arc visible. Drawing from this, the article found that (a) starring actresses in Spanish comedy dramas have plenty of knowledge and command upon their reproductive processes, and that while motherhood
is not a priority to them, when they are faced to motherhood, women often break away from traditional stereotypes; and 2) in these fiction works, decisions
on motherhood are represented as the result of individual drive, highlighting a
lack of commitment with the current social situation. This article shows that today’s dramedies have moved a step forward with regard to the representation of motherhood in the early 20th century Spanish fiction, while they do not show the responsiveness to social reality as contemporary English-language comedy drama show.
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