Pre-Service Teacher Mentors’ Perceptions Regarding Their Role and Preparation for Mentoring in Chile
pre-service teachers’ mentors, pedagogical internships, initial teaching training, ELT, teacher mentors’ expectations and experiencesAbstract
The study of pedagogical internships has gained greater importance over the last decades around the world. In Chile, many researchers have been attempting to delve deeper into this reality; however, little is known about the experiences of preservice teacher mentors when tutoring pre-service teachers of English pedagogy. Following the qualitative paradigm, this exploratory descriptive study aims to investigate the perspectives and expectations of pre-service teacher mentors’ regarding their key roles as mentors in initial training. Seven English teachers with experience as mentor teachers were interviewed. One group interview and four individual interviews were conducted with English teachers working with preservice teachers in their practicums. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. Issues related to the multiple roles of mentor teachers were discussed, as well as the relationship they construct with their students, the university, and the school where practicums are carried out. The main findings of this study suggest that pre-service teacher mentors expected clear guidelines from universities and the government to better guide future teachers. Moreover, they expected to be more involved in training pre-service teachers to contribute to their classrooms. Implications shed light on the need for incorporating the voices of pre-service teachers’ mentors in future research studies concerning pedagogical practicums in ELT in Chile.
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