Conceptual Dynamism in Terminological Knowledge Bases: The Case of Ecolexicon


  • Pamela Faber Universidad de Granada
  • Pilar León Universidad de Granada



terminology, ontology, terminological knowledge bases, con­ceptual relations


The new conceptual-linguistic shift in terminology has given rise to a new approach, focused on discourse and the real use of terms in texts. This change of paradigm has led to a significant improvement in the content of terminolo­gical knowledge bases. However, the most innovative aspect of knowledge modeling lies in the wide-ranging use of ontologies. This provides ter­minology with greater semantic expressiveness. The presentation of the environmental knowledge base, EcoLexicon, developed at the Universi­dad de Granada, by the research group, EcoLexicon. In order to obtain the maximum benefit from the application of ontologies, a closed inventory of conceptual relations is proposed along with their combinatorial poten­tial. Accordingly, the result is a domain-specific representation, restricted by context. The method is based on data extracted from a corpus of texts compiled for this research, the concepts in the domain are classified accor­ding to their typology and relational potential. The characteristics applied are those of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) to make inferences (e.g. the transitivity of metonymy). The definition of conceptual relations, de­pending on the nature of the concepts, offers a quantitative solution that limits excess information, and at the same time, offers a qualitative solution for knowledge acquisition. EcoLexicon successfully combines terminology with the expressive capacity of ontologies, which in the future will help to define search systems adapted to different user groups.

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Author Biographies

Pamela Faber, Universidad de Granada

Catedrática de Universidad del Departamento de
Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada, donde imparte
Terminología y Lingüística Aplicada. Obtuvo diferentes titulaciones de la
Universidad de Carolina del Norte, Paris IV y la Universidad de Granada.
Es autora de diversos libros y artículos sobre semántica, traducción y

Pilar León, Universidad de Granada

Doctora en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad
de Granada, donde actualmente imparte diversas asignaturas de Traducción y Lingüística. Es licenciada por la Universidad de Granada, la
Université de Provence y la Northumbria University.




How to Cite

Faber, P., & León, P. (2010). Conceptual Dynamism in Terminological Knowledge Bases: The Case of Ecolexicon. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 15(2), 75–100.



Research papers