Monarchic Spaces in Quatrevingt-treize by Victor Hugo


  • Rosária Cristina Costa Ribeiro Universidade Estadual Paulista



traditional historical novel, Quatrevingt-treize by Victor Hugo, George Lukàcs, space in literature, the French Revolution, monarchic space.


This article presents the obtained results throughout the Master degree dissertation, entitled The role of spatiality in Quatrevingt-treize (1814) by Victor Hugo, in which it is analyzed how The French Revolution redefined some meanings and contributed to the formation of the contemporary world. In this traditional historical novel, the literary composition of rebellious and monarchic spaces is observed by means of a romantic and turn-of-the-century vision. During the reading of the book, we are surprised by a narration expressing resistance to the revolutionary progress in 1793: 'the War of Vendéia', an eminently monarchist and feudal space, in opposition to that of revolutionary Paris.

Recibido: 30-03-2008 / Aceptado: 21-07-2008

How to reference this article:

Costa Ribeiro, R. C. (2008). Caracterização dos espaços monárquicos em Quatrevingt-treize de Victor Hugo. Íkala. 13(2), pp.185-205

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Rosária Cristina Costa Ribeiro, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Rosária Cristina Costa Ribeiro é professora de língua francesa na rede privada no Estado de São Paulo - Brasil, graduada em Letras pela FCL-Ar (Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Campus de Araraquara) da UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) e mestre em Estudos Literários pela mesma Faculdade.


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Costa Ribeiro, R. C. (2008). Monarchic Spaces in Quatrevingt-treize by Victor Hugo. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 13(2), 185–205.


