Cultural and Intercultural Competence in Translation: State or the art


  • Ana Gregorio Cano Universidad de Granada



translator competence, translator as mediator, cultural and intercultural competence, translation training


In this paper, I will analyse the theoretical framework of the cultural and intercultural competence in translation through the review of literature in the field. Furthermore, I will describe some definitions of culture with applicable aspects for the design of a future proposal of cultural and intercultural competence model in translation. Conclusions suggest the need for more empirical studies regarding the role/acquisition of cultural and intercultural competence as training programmes and teaching and learning activities are currently mainly based on theoretical notions.

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Author Biography

Ana Gregorio Cano, Universidad de Granada

is a PhD candidate in Translation, she holds a Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting from University of
Granada, Spain. She currently works as full time teacher and research fellow at University of Granada, Spain.


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How to Cite

Gregorio Cano, A. (2012). Cultural and Intercultural Competence in Translation: State or the art. Íkala, Revista De Lenguaje Y Cultura, 17(2), 129–144.



Research papers